Thursday, May 30, 2024

Show Schedule 2024: Megaton Man's 40th Anniversary!

2024 is Megaton Man's 40th Anniversary, and a couple big projects are in the works! I'm proud to announce that I will be guest of honor at Northeast Ohio (NEO) Comic Con Sunday, August 3, 2024! We are doing a special print for the occasion (below), and other events and panels are planned at various shows. Here is how things are shaping up:

My schedule for 2024 (so far):

Shows and dates subject to confirmation.

The Updated Don Simpson Megaton Man Checklist 2024

Update 2024Most of the Megaton Man and Bizarre Heroes material listed below will be collected in The Complete Megaton Man Universe, Volume I: The 1980s (mostly the Kitchen Sink Press Megaton Man comics) and Volume II: The 1990s (the Fiasco Comics Bizarre Heroes and later ImageMegaton Man issues except the team-ups), coming in 2024 and 2025 from Fantagraphics Underground.