Thursday, May 30, 2024

Show Schedule 2024: Megaton Man's 40th Anniversary!

2024 is Megaton Man's 40th Anniversary, and a couple big projects are in the works! I'm proud to announce that I will be guest of honor at Northeast Ohio (NEO) Comic Con Sunday, August 3, 2024! We are doing a special print for the occasion (below), and other events and panels are planned at various shows. Here is how things are shaping up:

My schedule for 2024 (so far):

Shows and dates subject to confirmation.

The Updated Don Simpson Megaton Man Checklist 2024

Update 2024Most of the Megaton Man and Bizarre Heroes material listed below will be collected in The Complete Megaton Man Universe, Volume I: The 1980s (mostly the Kitchen Sink Press Megaton Man comics) and Volume II: The 1990s (the Fiasco Comics Bizarre Heroes and later ImageMegaton Man issues except the team-ups), coming in 2024 and 2025 from Fantagraphics Underground.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Don Simpson 2023 Pre-Holiday Book Mail Order!

HELD OVERBy popular demand, I am offering pre-holiday mail order on select books and comics (including the hitherto show-only VICTORY FOLKS, 2023) now through December 1, 2023 until the cows come home! I will be mailing out packages approximately once a week. You can mail me a personal check to me (below) or PayPal at donsimpsonart (please include PayPal fees; see instructions below). Books are personalized (autographed to your name, if you wish); headshots are available only on certain books with blank pages at an additional price.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Commission Artwork Price List, Fall 2023

Update: For the time being, I am only entertaining commission assignments from collectors wanting to own a piece of original comic art. I am NOT doing pinups, covers or variant covers, collaborations, freelance assignments, or renderings other people's IP for publication at the present time, including creator-owned IP, small press, big press, crowdfunders, etc. It is true that I have done such work in the past and may still have one or two pieces coming out from various third parties in the months ahead, but I have been turning down all such work for several months now. This is because of a very poor batting average I've had in recent years with various schnooks and some particularly terrible experiences in 2023 (I intend to blog about some of these soon). Nothing personal to all you creator-publishers out there; best of luck to you and stick with it! -- August 23, 2023.

Friday, February 24, 2023

2023 Show Schedule and Recent Commissions

For more original art and commission examples, see my Comic Art Fans gallery!*

Since 1984, I have been a guest of numerous comic book conventions and shows from coast to coast, and many of the convention sketches I have drawn over the years can be seen all over the internet. I've also drawn a growing number of commissions in my studio and either shipped directly or delivered at shows. Below are some of my most recent commissions from 2021 shows.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Recent Commissions Fall 2022

2022 was a strong year for Don Simpson personalized commissions! Thanks for your support! Hope you'll contact me throughout the holiday season and into 2023 with your requests! Here goes:

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

OMAC - The One-Man Army Corps!

Here's a commission I completed in 2021 for a collector of OMAC, Jack Kirby's quasi-loopy DC comic from the early 1970s, which was aborted somewhat prematurely for Jack's heralded return to Marvel and Captain America in time for the Bicentennial. Those DC Kirby comics -- namely, his improbably run on Jimmy Olson -- were some of the first comic books I could call my own. Although lacking the sparkly of Stan Lee's "Master of Ceremonies" scripting, they were some of the mature Jack's most energetic and creative work. This 14" x 17" commission, which came to me online, was begun during the afternoon lull at the 2021 Akron Comic Con as a lone pencil figure, then completed at home.